
Torch Hypnosis torch·hip·no·sis

n. Abbr. TH

An altered mental state in which a person can operate a torch in the expected, safe, and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so. In this state, an individual's conscious mind is generally elsewhere, while seemingly still processing the information needed to operate a torch. This state is often induced by staring at fire and can be exacerbated if there is something spinning in the torch operator's field of vision. It most commonly occurs in a background of fatigue.

n. Abbr. TH

A process of automaticity.

Founded in 2018, Torch Hypnosis is committed to bringing you the highest quality glassblowing tools. We are not only tool makers, we are also glassblowers. We employ custom machinery in our manufacturing process, built specifically for our products. Our business philosophy is that to be successful and grow, customers must be cared for and listened to. We believe our tools would never improve without heearing from you, so keep the feedback coming!